October 2022 | Part I

Partner Trap Routes and Customer Override Route Validation Enhancements

Release Version: 3.2.0, Date: 10/25/2022

Trap routes for partnership shipments:

With this release, we are now automatically creating trap routes for the shipments based on the partner SCAC code. All these partner shipments will be placed in a Trap route with names as carrier SCAC code.

image-3 (1)PYL Trap Route

Appointment times for NG and DG shipments

  • By default, all NG shipments appointment time windows are marked as 08:00 – 12:00, and DG shipments appointment windows are marked as 08:00 – 17:00
  • This happens automatically at the time of shipment selection.
image-4 (2)NG shipments appointment windows are set to 08:00 – 12:00

Customer Override Route Validation Enhancements

  • We added the customer code and name to the route name validation alert.
  • These two fields are hyperlinked so planners can edit the customer override route name right from this screen by clicking on the name/code.

Please send your feedback (or) any questions to help@routemax.com