Load Activity Logs - Beta

What is Load Activity Logs? 

Load Activity Logs is designed to capture edits and changes made to a load. A new "Activity" tab has been added to the load side panel to show captured events. 

Expandable log events

When certain load details (such as appointment location/date) are edited, the old value is captured along with the new value and stored in a log event. Log events that capture an old+new value can be expanded to show the additional information. 

Screenshot 2023-05-30 103928

Beta - Phase One

Load Activity Logs is currently in Beta and does not capture all events related to a load. Currently, only the below changes are logged:

  • Create Load
  • Add/Edit/Delete Load Stop
  • Add/Edit/Delete Relay
  • Assignment/Un-assignment of Entities to Trip
  • Invoice - add/edit/delete invoice line item
  • Receive Payment - add/edit/delete receive payment line item
  • Email and Download for Invoice
  • Factoring - action related to factoring
  • 3-dots action from load detail panel (To change the status of load)


Loads Created pre-Launch

Load Activity Log Beta is active for loads created after May 26, 2023. Edits will not be captured for loads created before this date, and the activity tab for these loads will display the following message: