Overview of features and improvements released 2.24.2023
We have released multiple items on performance improvements, and feature improvements and have largely addressed several items in today’s release. Below is a summary of all the items in this release.
Loads Section:
- Added additional columns on Loads: “Required Equipment Type”, “Commodity”, and “Dispatch Notes.”
- Added additional filters “Commodity Type”, “Has Relay”, and “Dispatch Notes” on the load list.
- Modified the DateTime format on the “load list” and “add load” into the military time format (24 hours).
- Introduced relative date filters on the load list.
- Fixed the time zone issues on the date filters.
- Separated the location and appointment data into different columns on the load list. Now both columns support sorting.
Trips Section:
- Added additional columns on Trips: Chassis #, Container #, Customer Name, Reference #
- Added additional filters on trips: Trip start state, Trip end state, has relay?.
- Modified the DateTime format on the trip list into the military time format (24 hours).
- Introduced relative date filters on the trip list.
- Fixed the time zone issues on the date filters.
- Separated the location and appointment data into different columns on the load list. Now both columns support sorting.
Load Board Search Section:
- Added a filter “Show Actual Offers Only”. This filter will remove all the loads where rates are not originally posted by the brokers.
- Added sorting option for “$/day” on the offer column.
- Improved the color scheme for offered price and estimated bid price.
Other improvements:
- Introduced a new relative date filter component and fixed the time zone issue throughout the application. With this change, now you can apply relative filters like “Today”, “This week” and others on all the pages that support date filters. These filters are also persisted, so when the user loads the application the next day and if the relative filter is “Today,” then the data for the current day will be loaded.
- Introduced new and improved Tab structure on all list pages and panels throughout the application.
- Introduced column persistence logic on a few pages. With this change, now when you modify the column order on the grid, it will be persisted the next time you visit that page again. Currently, the changes are applied to only a few pages and will be applied to other pages in the next release (Settlement, Customer page, Vendor page, Location page, Trailer page, Users page, and Summary page).
- Improved customer import by allowing import of additional columns (Notes, MC number, Prohibited/preferred flag).
- The Frontend caching issue is addressed to a great extent.
- Panel shake behavior is improved for all the unsaved panels.
- Bought back the explicit driver assignment option on the Expense creation form.
- Improved performance of Expense and report pages to a great extent.
- Improved the UX of the invoice section on the Mobile app.