What's new in February

New features in February

Four big additions to LoadOps as the new year begins!  To follow up the new create load form and contract automation for rating loads:

1. Custom Tags have been added to allow unique identifiers in on your loads.  Customize your portal to quickly identify needed information on loads. Read more here: Custom Tags Article

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2. Ready to Invoice Status has been added to the Invoice page.  This status was added to properly identify Completed loads that had yet to have the documents and invoice items reviewed.  This status can be skipped directly from Completed (Invoiceable Loads) to Invoiced as it always has been but if you need to implement an approval process on invoices this status is here to help!  Use this in conjunction with Hold Status/Notes and Custom Tags to truly enhance your visibility

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3. Advanced Reports now has its own more customizable page. The filters are a bit more powerful and columns are customizable to give you more control in your Excel download.

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4. C.H. Robinson Book Now Feature!  You can now book loads directly from the loadboard search for C.H. Robinson.  This feature has also been developed for DAT Loadboard and pending release as well.