

Commodity refers to the specific product that is being transported in the load. In LoadOps Commodities are categorized and can be added to loads with additional details. 

Add a Commodity

Commodities can be added while creating a load or to an already existing load.

To add a commodity during load creation, Select "Add New Commodity" in section 5. on the load creation page.

The following details can be entered: 

Quantity: This refers to the number of boxes, barrels, or other containers of the commodity being transported in the load.

Package type: It specifies the type of packaging used for the shipment, such as bags, cartons, or barrels.

Commodity Type: There is a list of pre-defined commodity types available to choose from.

Weight: This is where the weight of the commodity needs to be entered.

Volume: The volume of the commodity needs to be entered in this field.

Stackable: If a commodity is stackable, it means that other freight can be stacked on top of it during transportation.

Floor Load: This option is selected when the goods are loaded directly onto the floor of the shipping container, with goods stacked all the way to the ceiling.

Dimensions: The length, width, and height of the commodity can be defined here.

Follow the guide below to see how to add a commodity. 


A commodity can also be added after a load is created from the section- additional details. Go to Load>Load ID>Additional Details>+ Add New Commodity. 

Delete a Commodity: If you need to remove a commodity, simply click on the delete symbol.

Expanding the Commodity: To view the details of a commodity, click on the right arrow key next to the commodity type.

Custom Commodities

To create and manage your own custom category of commodities, you can access the option on the Manage Type page under Settings. Simply navigate to Settings ➡️ Manage Types ➡️ Under Commodity, click on "Add Manage Type" to create a new Commodity Type.

You can learn more about creating custom commodities in the Manage Types section here Custom Commodity 

Once you have successfully created a custom commodity, it will be conveniently displayed in the drop-down menu for "Commodity Type" on the Load page.