Setting up your LoadOps account

Welcome to LoadOps! This guide goes over everything you need to know to get started.


Setup your Company Preferences & Terminals 

What is your Company structure? Settlement period? Target revenue per mile? Adding this information into Loadops allows us to help you meet your goals. 

Connect your loadboard, ELD, and Finance accounts to LoadOps

ELD: Loadops can connect with your ELD to track your drivers HOS and can let you know if a driver will need to rest before completing a load. 

LoadBoards: View & Accept loads from multiple load boards all in one centralized view.

QuickBooks: Connect your QuickBooks account to easily sync and manage your invoices 

Factoring: Allows you to sync invoices and related load documents from LoadOps to your factoring company of choice.

Bring your data into LoadOps

How do I add my Contacts/Drivers/Equipment? Review user & driver roles and learn the variety of ways we can get your data into loadOps. 

Create Load Templates (Optional)

Use Load Templates to automatically pre-fill any frequently used information.

Set your Driver, Equipment, and Dispatcher payment terms (Optional)

Have drivers on a revenue share or flat rate payment plan? Add the details into LoadOps and we will automatically calculate the settlement amount for each load. 

Add Documents and Create Safety Alerts (Optional) 

Is one of my driver's licenses expiring soon? Does a tractor need an oil change? Create alerts to let you know before it's too late. You can also upload supporting documents for record keeping purposes. 

Create Custom Labels & Options (Optional)

Have a Commodity/financial Pay/Maintenance/etc. Item that does not exist in the corresponding dropdown field? Create a custom label that you will be able to later select when the appropriate dropdown field is available.


Congratulations! At this point you have completed setup and ready to start using LoadOps! 

Have questions on how to use LoadOps to streamline your operations? Please go to: Using LoadOps - A Beginners Guide to learn more.